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Colonoscopy: Facts And Myths

A colonoscopy is a common procedure to examine the colon, or large intestine, and is a screening tool to detect colorectal cancer. Although it is a common screening procedure, many people procrastinate or never get one. For those people especially, here is some information on the facts and myths of colonoscopy.

man with pain from an Inguinal Hernia

5 Signs You May Have An Inguinal Hernia

An inguinal hernia is not too difficult to spot in most cases. It is more common in males, both children and adults. It does not go away on its own, so eventually you need to have it repaired. Look for these 5 signs you may have an inguinal hernia.

gut health consultation in Port Huron.

Signs You May Have Poor Digestive Health

All of us can suffer from an upset tummy after overindulging, occasionally get constipated, or develop excess gas and heartburn. When this happens, we take an over-the-counter medication and usually forget about it. When these incidents begin to occur more frequently,

Woman recovering from weight loss surgery

Recovering From Bariatric Surgery: What To Know

When you are contemplating bariatric surgery, you want to know everything. How much weight will you be able to lose, how fast will you lose it, and what will be your restrictions are all questions you want answered. If you have responsibilities like children and a demanding job,

Bariatric Surgery written in pen on a notepad with a stethoscope on the notepad

When Is It Time To Consider Bariatric Surgery?

When is it time to consider bariatric surgery? If you are reading this article right now you may already know the answer.  If you have been thinking about taking action, your first step is to understand why it’s so important for your health,