Category: News

What’s the Connection Between Exercise and Acid Reflux?

If you frequently suffer from acid reflux, you already know all about the uncomfortable pains and burning in your chest that come with this common condition. These symptoms normally occur when you consume something you know will bring them on, yet you proceed to scarf down that delicious food, deciding you will deal with the consequences later. Continue reading “What’s the Connection Between Exercise and Acid Reflux?”

Do Hernia Symptoms Differ Between Men and Women?

Most physicians believe you have a greater chance of getting a hernia as you get older. This is true for both men and women. Hernias are weak places in muscle walls that allow internal organs to protrude. They don’t heal on their own and must be surgically repaired. However, becoming aware you have one can differ between the sexes. Do hernia symptoms differ between men and women?

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What To Do When Heartburn Meds Stop Working

Got GERD? Many of us do and we don’t realize it. You know, it’s that terrible tasting acid that comes back into your throat when you are trying to sleep. It’s not just a typical heartburn that you can relieve with an antacid. GERD is something that occurs several times a week and nothing you take seems to work. Let’s find out what to do when heartburn meds stop working.

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When Is It Time To Consider Acid Reflux/GERD Surgery?

GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease is a disorder that affects many Americans. Many think of it as just heartburn, while others know it as pain at night after a big meal. When bile and acid enter your throat, you can’t ignore it. It can become quite serious and eventually necessitate surgery. So, when is it time to consider acid reflux surgery?

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Signs You May Have Poor Digestive Health

All of us can suffer from an upset tummy after overindulging, occasionally get constipated, or develop excess gas and heartburn. When this happens, we take an over-the-counter medication and usually forget about it. When these incidents begin to occur more frequently, it’s time to pay attention to signs you may have poor digestive health.

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Recovering From Bariatric Surgery: What To Know

When you are contemplating bariatric surgery, you want to know everything. How much weight will you be able to lose, how fast will you lose it, and what will be your restrictions are all questions you want answered. If you have responsibilities like children and a demanding job, there are other important unknowns like recovery from this surgery. Recovering from bariatric surgery: what to know.

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When Is It Time To Consider Bariatric Surgery?

When is it time to consider bariatric surgery? If you are reading this article right now you may already know the answer.  If you have been thinking about taking action, your first step is to understand why it’s so important for your health, and then talk to a specialist like Hope Surgical, PLLC to find out if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

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